tyro nomads

Yves · Some rights reserved · 1 min read

Cycling across Belgium in one day

Foremost, thanks to all the supporters! Danke schön! Merci beaucoup !
Thanks to 20 donors we have collected 622€, enough money for 4 people to enjoy Buffalo Bicycles, and to finance a few spare parts :)

Some stats: I started at 8h50, ended at 22h00, cycled 258km, and climbed 1200m. Mmy grandma asked me how many times I turned my cranks, about 61200 times grandma ♥. For the data nerds you can have a look at the ride on Strava.

Mimouna asked me if I wanted to do it again, my immediate reaction was “HELL, NO!”. But of course I want to do it again. If you want to participate next year, decorate your bike with christmas lights, and ride a very long day, drop us an email at hello AT tyronomads DOT com or contact us via social media, we’ll get in touch, be aware the next ride will probably take place somewhere in Benelux again :)

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